วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

what causes stress

Stress is caused by two reasons.
1. The problems that occur in life such as financial problems and family problems. Problems of health problems, pollution problems, traffic jams, floods drought problems, interpersonal conflict, etc. These issues will be a catalyst for people to be stressful.
2.  Of thinking and assessment of the situation. We will notice that. I keep looking for a good sense of humor will have less stress than those who are in a bad world. This earnest and impatient with people who feel that they have people to help with problems such as a spouse, parents, relatives and friends to loved ones. And trust each other. Will have less stress than people who are lonely, alone.
Stress is not caused by any single cause. It is usually caused by the combination of both. There is a catalyst and a situation assessment. An indication that there is much stress.What causes stress.
Stress is caused by two reasons.
1. The problems that occur in life such as financial problems and family problems. Problems of health problems, pollution problems, traffic jams, floods drought problems, interpersonal conflict, etc. These issues will be a catalyst for people to be stressful.
2.  Of thinking and assessment of the situation. We will notice that. I keep looking for a good sense of humor will have less stress than those who are in a bad world. This earnest and impatient with people who feel that they have people to help with problems such as a spouse, parents, relatives and friends to loved ones. And trust each other. Will have less stress than people who are lonely, alone.
Stress is not caused by any single cause. It is usually caused by the combination of both. There is a catalyst and a situation assessment. An indication that there is much stress.